Articles for category: Lifestyle, Technology

FIRE, Movement

The FIRE Movement For Early Retirement Is a Bust

Recent years have seen a rise in the FIRE movement’s appeal as more people seek to retire early and subsist solely on their investments. Nonetheless, not everyone will benefit from following the FIRE plan. There are numerous reasons why the FIRE approach is ineffective. Introduction The acronym FIRE refers to Financial Independence Retire Early. A ...

Lifestyle Trends

10 New Lifestyle Trends to be Aware of in 2023

In our fast-paced world, keeping up with the latest lifestyle trends is critical. With social media now influencing our daily lives, trends move at breakneck speed, and it’s easy to fall behind if we don’t pay attention. In this post, we’ll look at ten of the most important lifestyle trends impacting our society right now, ...

Sedentary Lifestyle

Connection Between a Sedentary Lifestyle & Dementia

A sedentary lifestyle, where you sit or don’t move around much, can lead to health problems like high blood pressure, memory problems, obesity, and heart disease. Now, a new study by scientists from the University of Southern California and the University of Arizona has discovered that it can also increase the risk of dementia in ...

Digital Nomad

Digital Nomad Lifestyle: Work Remotely, Best Destinations and Tips for balancing work and leisure on the road.

In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern workforce, the digital nomad lifestyle has emerged as a compelling and flexible way to work. As more individuals seek the freedom to explore the world while earning a living, the demand for advice on working remotely, discovering the best destinations for digital nomads, and mastering the art of ...