Articles for category: Science

Climate Change

Carbon Absorption By Deserts? Research Shows Hope For Reforesting Deserts

A paper that outlines a breakthrough method for sequestering carbon dioxide by “re-greening” arid locations without competing with agriculture or food production was just released by a group of plant scientists. This unorthodox approach was proposed by a research group from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology that was directed by Heribert Hirt. Their ...

Genesis of Artificial Intelligence

Discovering the Genesis of Artificial Intelligence

During the eighth century BC, the esteemed poet Homer, known for his significant contributions to ancient Greek literature, authored two highly acclaimed epic poems: the Odyssey and the Iliad. Remarkably, even during the ancient period approximately 3,000 years ago, Homer made allusions to technology that, in contemporary terms, would undeniably be classified as manifestations of ...


NASA’s Appointment of a ‘UFO Guru’ and its Significance

The Emergence of the UFO Phenomenon The White House has a history of appointing people who are Masters of their Domains, to oversee specific tasks and giving them titles like “Guru.” NASA has of late appointed someone very special to study and manage UFO incidents, which is now renamed to “UAP” (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon) from ...