
Rise of AI from Fiction to Reality: Skynet has come?

AI, Elon Musk, Skynet, Terminator

In movies like Terminator, we’ve seen AI systems like Skynet take over the world and control humans. It used to be just science fiction, but today, with the progress of AI, we need to think about whether this could ever happen in real life. It is not a hidden fact that, we’re getting closer to having life like smart AI. This makes us wonder if it could ever turn against us like in the movies.


Skynet is a scary AI from the movies, and real AI isn’t there yet, but we’re on the way. The idea is that AI could get so smart that it acts on its own, and that’s what we want to talk about. AI used to be only in labs and stories, but now it’s part of our everyday lives. Think of voice assistants like Siri, Alexa etc.. AI is growing exponentially fast, and we’re starting to worry if we can control it.

AI in Our Lives

AI is everywhere, from your phone to your bank. It helps a lot, but it also brings up questions about privacy and jobs. AI has changed a lot. It started as simple rules, but now it learns and makes decisions. This is getting us closer to the AI we see in the movies. So what’s so scary about AI? AI can be scary because it might not always do what we want. There are worries about AI being unfair, taking jobs, or being used in bad ways. As AI gets smarter, we need to think about what’s right and what’s wrong. We want AI to be compliant and follow our rules, even if its wishful thinking.

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How to Stop AI

To stop an AI disaster, we need rules. Governments and companies need to make sure AI is used safely and fairly. To stop something like Skynet, we have to make sure AI has limits and humans stay in control. Humans and AI together can do amazing things and make the future better, but that is a possibility, not a probability.


So, in the end, AI isn’t like Skynet from the movies yet! But we have to be careful as it gets smarter. Just remember, the geniuses of our times like Elon Musk say that AI is the most dangerous thing on the planet and it must not be pursued, you best believe, he knows something that we don’t! I’ll just conclude by saying this, “There is no such thing as Science Fiction.” So unless you’re the next John Connor who will lead us to freedom in the future, you should stay very very wary of AI and as always be prepared for the worst scenario!

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