
Rise of Apple Cult Followers: How it all Started

Apple, iPhone, Macintosh, Steve Jobs

Unless you’re a hermit or living under a rock, chances are you have probably heard of Apple, the company that makes iPhones and other cool stuff. Well, they have some super dedicated fans (cultists), and we’re going to talk about how that all began and what’s happening now.

The Beginning

A long time ago in 1976, two guys named Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak made the first Apple thingy called the Apple I. They built it in their garage, and not many people noticed it at first.

Apple’s iconic “1984” Super Bowl commercial.

Then in 1984, Apple made a computer called the Macintosh. Now that was a special moment, because it had a Graphical User Interface and a mouse, which was totally new at the time. People started to get excited about Apple. In 2001, Apple came up with the iPod. It was a tiny music player that could hold a ton of songs. Plus, it looked really sleek. People loved it, and Apple’s fan club grew.

The iPhone Magic

Steve Jobs unveils the first iPhone ever (2007)

Then in 2007, something magical happened. Apple unveiled the first iPhone. It could do lots of things – like being a phone, an iPod, and the internet, all in one! People went crazy for it, and that’s when Apple fans became super loyal. Little did we know, that Apple would change the world of smartphones forever!

Apple Fans Today

Nowadays, Apple has a whole family of products – iPhones, iPads, Macs, Apple Watches, and more. They all work together smoothly, so once you’re in, it’s hard to leave. If you’re like me, you’d like to hold a product in your hand and feel it before you buy it. Apple knew that, so Apple’s stores are more than just shops. They’re like special places where Apple fans go to see all the cool stuff and feel part of the gang. While, on the internet, Apple lovers come together on social media. They chat, share news, and get all hyped up about Apple stuff.

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Annual Events

Every year, Apple throws a big party where they show off their new gadgets. Millions of people watch it online because it’s super exciting. From a tiny garage to a global craze, Apple’s fans have been on an amazing journey. It all started with neat products like the Apple I and Macintosh, got bigger with the iPod, and exploded with the iPhone. Today, Apple’s fans are still growing, thanks to their cool gadgets and the way they connect with people.

I started my journey with Apple from the iPod Classic, then moved on to the iPhone and it was a great feeling. Nothing can beat the experience of an Apple product. Everyone take a bow to the mighty APPLE!

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