FIRE: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

FIRE: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 

What is Fire?

What is Fire?

FIRE stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early.  It is a movement of people  dedicated to saving and investing as much of their income as possible so they can retire early,  in their 30s or 40s.

FIRE stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early.  It is a movement of people  dedicated to saving and investing as much of their income as possible so they can retire early,  in their 30s or 40s. 

How does FIRE work?

How does FIRE work?

FIRE followers typically live  frugal lifestyles and save  50% or more of their income. They also invest  savings in low-cost index funds, which  return  average   7-10% per year.

FIRE followers typically live  frugal lifestyles and save  50% or more of their income. They also invest  savings in low-cost index funds, which  return  average   7-10% per year.



– FIRE followers can retire early & live off their investment income, without working again. – They have more time to pursue hobbies, interests, and  spend with  loved ones. – They can reduce  financial stress by knowing  they have enough money to live comfortably in retirement.

– FIRE followers can retire early & live off their investment income, without working again. – They have more time to pursue hobbies, interests, and  spend with  loved ones. – They can reduce  financial stress by knowing  they have enough money to live comfortably in retirement.



– FIRE followers need lots of money in to retire early. Difficult for people with low incomes or high expenses. – They are investing  in a volatile stock market, with risk of losing value especially in the short term. – They make lifestyle sacrifices  to save money. Including living in small home, driving old cars, and eating out less.

– FIRE followers need lots of money in to retire early. Difficult for people with low incomes or high expenses. – They are investing  in a volatile stock market, with risk of losing value especially in the short term. – They make lifestyle sacrifices  to save money. Including living in small home, driving old cars, and eating out less.

Other Considerations

Other Considerations

– FIRE followers will need to find a way to obtain health insurance. This can be expensive, especially for younger people. – They will receive lower Social Security benefits than those who retire at age 65. – They report feeling bored after retiring early. Important to plan how to spend time in retirement.

– FIRE followers will need to find a way to obtain health insurance. This can be expensive, especially for younger people. – They will receive lower Social Security benefits than those who retire at age 65. – They report feeling bored after retiring early. Important to plan how to spend time in retirement.



- FIRE movement is viable for some people, but not for everyone.  - Important to  consider  pros and cons of FIRE before making a decision.  - If you're considering FIRE, it's a good idea to talk to a financial advisor for a personalized plan.

- FIRE movement is viable for some people, but not for everyone.  - Important to  consider  pros and cons of FIRE before making a decision.  - If you're considering FIRE, it's a good idea to talk to a financial advisor for a personalized plan.