government shut down

What would happen to travel if the government were to shutdown? Here’s what you should know

Government Shutdown, Travel

Members of Congress are currently engaged in discussions regarding Washington’s next financing package; nevertheless, as stalemate persists, the United States is inching closer to yet another shutdown of the federal government. If it does occur, the good news is that it is unlikely to have a significant impact on any travel arrangements you may have, which means that you will still be able to bury your head in the sand and drown your frustrations in a mai tai regardless of what is going on. It will take some time before passengers will feel the effects of a prolonged shutdown, even though those repercussions are likely to be more obvious. What we know about what will probably occur instead comes from official government sources as well as examples from the past.

Does a shutdown of the government have any impact on my ability to travel or take a cruise?

To put it simply, the answer is no; it shouldn’t. There would be a halt placed on funding for various government agencies such as the Federal Aviation Administration, the Transportation Security Administration, and Customs and Border Protection. However, because they are considered vital, the agents who you generally interface with at airports and seaports as well as the controllers who oversee your flights will be required to continue working throughout the shutdown without compensation. The effects on those organizations are more likely to be related to activities like hiring and training. All of the essential safety functions, like as inspections and controlling aviation traffic, will continue as normal.

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According to the most current guidelines issued by the State Department, normal consular activities would continue both in the United States and abroad “as long as there are sufficient fees” collected to fund them. This statement was made in reference to the fees that will be collected. This includes assisting U.S. citizens who are traveling outside the country with passports and visas. However, there is a possibility of adverse effects on the economy. According to a study conducted for the U.S. Travel Association, it is projected that a shutdown of the federal government could damage the nation’s travel business as much as $140 million each day. According to the findings of a survey conducted by the group and Ipsos, sixty percent of Americans would likely cancel or avoid flying travel if a shutdown were to occur.

Who among those working in the tourism sector is regarded absolutely necessary staff?

One way to think of them is as the folks that keep everything running smoothly. A previous plan for the closure exempted air traffic controllers, safety inspectors, security agents, and customs officials from having to stop working. Despite the current scenario, it is likely that these employees will continue to do their jobs as usual.

What kind of travel disruptions were caused by the other shutdowns?

In the past, when the government was closed, there were only minor disruptions to travel. In 2019, it took around two weeks of not being paid for FAA controllers and TSA personnel to begin skipping out on their shifts at work. At that point, queues began to form at the various security checks, and aircraft began to be delayed. Soon after that, the government at last reached an agreement on funding legislation, and everything was put back in its proper place.

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During the same year, several national parks were completely shut down, while others were theoretically still open but lacked the staff necessary to manage them. Some of them became completely disorganized, with rubbish stacking up and toilets filling to their utmost capacity.

However, according to Stewart Chiron, often known as “The Cruise Guy,” a seasoned professional in the cruise industry, previous government shutdowns did not typically have an effect on cruises. “Cruise passengers should pack some additional patience as there may be some delays and inconveniences, possibly caused by staffing, but cruise vacations should proceed without issues,” he added in an email. “However, cruise vacations should proceed without issues.”

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